occupational therapy for you

learning more about how an occupational therapist learns

Sprung! May 25, 2007

Filed under: update — janeoccupationaltherapy @ 3:47 am

Colleagues are on to me! Those not involved in the Web 2.0 project are starting to ask questions about what we’re up to, learning, and how useful it is. Thought the five of us who work together could present to the other occupational therapists…including sending out our blog addresses so others can have a look. Must remember to ask the others on Monday night….!


5 Responses to “Sprung!”

  1. Merrolee Says:

    I love it….. no under the cover of darkness blogging allowed any more????

    Happy to make time in class on Monday night if you wish!

  2. occupationaltherapydunedin Says:

    Your site looks great- love the colour scheme!! I think presenting to the rest of the tribe would be really useful for our own learning, or at least it’ll show me the holes in my own learning!!

  3. occupationaltherapyreflect Says:

    Good on you for spreading the word and showing others around the different web 2.0 tools. I definately think presenting to other therapists is a really good idea as I think certainly some of the tools we have explored would be really beneficial i.e citeulike and del.icio.us. 🙂

  4. Shona Maxwell Says:

    This is scary – really scary!!!! I need to be guided through this all as topening it feels overwhelming.

  5. Jane Says:

    Hey Shona
    I felt like that, and more when I started but it’s really not as scary as it first seems – remember how it was when you started using the internet, and emailing – and now look at you!


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